A Weekend In Dorset

These were a few gorgeous days on a seaside – plenty of walks, fresh air and beautiful scenery. It's not the first time I go to Dorset to get away from the tumult of a big city, and every time go there I find something new. Apart from obvious spots like Durdle Door and Old Harry Rocks, there is plenty of hidden gems that are waiting to be discovered. I personally also never get tired of looking at a sea, which looks different every time, and it's all of course depends on the light and the weather.
My film of choice for this trip was Kodak Portra 800. Have to say that I need to shoot this stock way more, because when exposed properly Portra 800 gives you spectacular tones, especially in medium format. Not cheap combination, but definitely worth every penny. In terms of the camera, I stick to my Bronica SQ-AI – absolutely love it despite all the glitches this camera has. Besides, it's the only tool that gives me a square format, which I'm madly in love. Excellent work on developing and scanning film was done by Canadian Film Lab.